PCB123 Library Corrections

Here you can find discussions pertaining to finding or creating Symbols and package footprints. Anything to do with Schematic or layout parts will be placed in this discussion.

PCB123 Library Corrections

    by Sal Hernandez » Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:49 pm

As footprints and symbols are updated with corrections you will need to remove the old libraries from your PC and download the updated library files.

The following example shows what the updated library information will look like and how to delete the old parts and download the updated library files. In the future we will provide a web page listing the parts that are corrected (updated library information) which includes the libraries that have been modified, the manufacturer's part number that use the updated parts, and the name of the footprint or symbol that has been modified. This will provide you enough information to complete the steps below.

Please feel free to contact customer support if you have any questions.

Example: The following parts symbols have been updated in the PCB123 Ultra library. The symbols MC14001B, MC14001B_2, MC14001UB, and MC14001UB_2 are saved with OR gates and have been corrected with NOR gates.

Updated Library Information
  • Mfg PN: MC14001B, MC14001B_2, MC14001UB, and MC14001UB_2
  • Library: Motorola3.sym
  • Symbol: MC14001B, MC14001B_2, MC14001UB and MC14001UB_2
Update Library Procedure
  1. Go to your Documents folder and double click the PCB123 Files shortcut, or go directly to the Lib folder located on one of the two locations listed below.
    1. Win7/8 C:\ProgramData\PCB123\Lib
    2. Win XP C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PCB123\Lib
  2. Open the folders Lib > Ultra
  3. Locate and delete the .slb or .sym file identified in the updated library information.
  4. Open PCB123 then close the splash screen and the new board wizard.
  5. Open an existing PCB123 design or select the New (Ctrl + n) icon from the tool bar to create a blank board.
  6. Select Insert > Add Component from the menu bar.
  7. Search for the Manufacturer’s part located updated library documentation.
  8. Select the part and PCB123 will ask you if you want to download the library files associated with this part. Select Yes.
    library update.JPG
    library update.JPG (25.53 KiB) Viewed 17012 times
  9. Now you can use the updated parts.

Sal Hernandez
Software Support Engineer I
Sunstone Circuits
13626 S. Freeman Road
Mulino, OR 97042
Phone: 503-829-9108 x226
Fax: 503-829-5482
Sal Hernandez
Posts: 381
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:00 am

Re: PCB123 Library Corrections

    by Sal Hernandez » Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:19 am

Several libraries have been updated to correct 0805 and 0603 footprints that actually have 1206 footprint.

Several examples of this issue are shown below. These parts should have 0603 or 0805 footprints, but the footprint that is paired with the part is actually 1206.

PN: ERJ-3EKF24R9V, Footprint: RC0603, Library: ultra\digikey_res7.slb

PN: ERJ-3EKF1212V, Footprint: RC0603, Library: ultra\digikey_res7.slb

PN: ERA-3YEB472V, Footprint: RC0603, Library: ultra\digikey_res4.slb

PN: ERA-3YEB152V, Footprint: RC0603, Library: ultra\digikey_res4.slb

PN: ECJ-1VB1C104K, Footprint: CC0603, Library: ultra\digikey_cap3.slb

PN: ERJ-6GEY0R00V, Footprint: RC0805, Library: ultra\digikey_res9.slb

The following libraries have been updated.


Sal Hernandez
Software Support Engineer I
Sunstone Circuits
13626 S. Freeman Road
Mulino, OR 97042
Phone: 503-829-9108 x226
Fax: 503-829-5482
Sal Hernandez
Posts: 381
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:00 am

Re: PCB123 Library Corrections

    by Sal Hernandez » Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:09 pm

Library parts have been updated. The package is a MAX3370 5-pin SC70 (MAX3370EXK-T). The pinout appears to be a mirror image of the actual pinout, the schematic pinout is correct.

This part has been updated in the following libraries.


Sal Hernandez
Software Support Engineer I
Sunstone Circuits
13626 S. Freeman Road
Mulino, OR 97042
Phone: 503-829-9108 x226
Fax: 503-829-5482
Sal Hernandez
Posts: 381
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:00 am

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