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New netlist import UI in the v4.1.25 release

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:59 am
by Sal Hernandez
If you haven't already please download the latest PCB123 release 4.1.25 PCB123 Printed Circuit Design Software. Along with many bug fixes, our development team has provided users with a nice UI for netlist importing and package assignment editing. For those of you who are not familiar with importing a netlist into PCB123 let me introduce you. PCB123 allows you to import a 3rd party netlist in Protel or Tango format. This means that you can generate your schematic in another application then import the connection data into PCB123.

In the past PCB123 has taken some control of the netlist import process and editing package assignment has been difficult. Those days are gone. You can import your netlist from three different locations. 1. The new board wizard. 2. The board configuration on the first run. 3. With a board in view select Design > Netlist > Compare/Update Design. This is just about the same as previous version. After you have selected the netlist you will see the new UI shown below.
netlist import ui.jpg
netlist import ui.jpg (136.51 KiB) Viewed 59438 times
The red ! in the left column tells you that you have not selected a footprint for this row. The second column is the name of the symbol in your netlist. The third column is the name of the footprint from your netlist. Select a row and then go up to the two buttons in the upper right corner of the table
netlist ui buttons.jpg
netlist ui buttons.jpg (1.47 KiB) Viewed 59438 times
. The left button
select part from tax.jpg
select part from tax.jpg (1.09 KiB) Viewed 59438 times
allows you to select a part from the parts taxonomy. The right button
select part from footprints.jpg
select part from footprints.jpg (1.06 KiB) Viewed 59438 times
allows you to select a part directly from the footprint libraries.

As you select your parts you will see the red ! change to green check marks. Once you have all of the parts selected you can select the OK button and all of the parts will be placed on a blank board outline.

If you encounter an error you may have selected a footprint that does not match the information listed in your netlist. You will see a popup text dialogue with information that will help you to locate the issue. After selecting the correct footprint select OK and you will arrive at your layout with all of the parts on the screen.

After placing all of you parts you may need to modify a package selection. To do so you can go to Design > Netlist > Manage Stored Parts Associations. Update the part as needed in the table then select OK. Now Go back to Design > Netlist > Compare/Update Design to select your netlist and rebind package assignments.

You could also just go directly to Design > Netlist > Compare/Update Design to make your modifications.

I hope you find the new UI helpful. Please feel free to contact customer support with questions and feedback.

Re: New netlist import UI in the v4.1.25 release

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:09 am
by Railroadnut
I have just used this to import a netlist from an old design from sch V2 SW that I needed to update. I have gotten serveral errors that were reported as footprint has pins not in symbol. I went back and added the NC pins to the symbol but now I get "error encountered, rolling back" it gives no indication of the problem. Any ideas?