How do I connect to an internal plane layer/filled copper?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:29 am
A filled polygon that is not assigned to a net will connect to any object that comes in contact with the polygon. If you want a filled polygon to only connect to objects of a specific net the polygon must be assigned to a net. To assign a filled polygon to a net place you mouse over the polygon, right-click and select properties. Next, use the drop down menu next to Net to choose the desired net.
If you have set internal layers, in the Board Configuration, as planes mouse over a trace or ratsnest line assigned to the net you would like attached to an internal plane. Right-click on the trace or rats nest line and select properties. Now, in the Net properties window, find the Assign to plane layers box and place a check in the box next to the layer you would like assigned to the selected net.
If you do not have a trace or ratsnest line to select you can still view a net’s properties using the Edit Panel. Go to the bottom of the Edit Panel and select the Project tab. Near the top of the Edit Panel click in the box to the left of PCB Node to expand the item. Keep expanding the list until you see the items listed under Children. This is a list of all of the objects on the layout. Look for the PcbNet you would like to modify then right click and select properties.
If you have set internal layers, in the Board Configuration, as planes mouse over a trace or ratsnest line assigned to the net you would like attached to an internal plane. Right-click on the trace or rats nest line and select properties. Now, in the Net properties window, find the Assign to plane layers box and place a check in the box next to the layer you would like assigned to the selected net.
If you do not have a trace or ratsnest line to select you can still view a net’s properties using the Edit Panel. Go to the bottom of the Edit Panel and select the Project tab. Near the top of the Edit Panel click in the box to the left of PCB Node to expand the item. Keep expanding the list until you see the items listed under Children. This is a list of all of the objects on the layout. Look for the PcbNet you would like to modify then right click and select properties.