The following will take you through the PCB123 parts creation process.
A. Create a footprint: (If you want to start with an existing footprint select Design Edit Footprint)
1. Start in the Layout tab overlooking your board outline.
2. Next, choose DesignNew Footprint.
3. Here, set your grid by pressing the G key on your keyboard, then enter the distance between your pins.
4. Next, click on the Add Pin icon and choose your pin properties.
5. Place your pins and save your footprint. We recommend that you save your footprint to a new library to ensure that your
parts are never overwritten by newer versions.
You can then search for it by the name you chose when placing a part via the Insert Component icon.
B. Create a symbol:
1. Click on the Main Schematic tab below your board outline.
2. Choose ToolsSymbol Editor to create a new symbol.
3. Select the Add Polygon tool and draw the shape of your symbol
4. Click the Add Pins button and place them where they are needed
5. Change the Reference designator and/or Symbol name under their headings in the panel to the left of your symbol
6. Click the disk icon to save your new symbol.
C. Add to the Schematic taxonomy: Once both the footprint and symbol are created they can be attached to form a complete part.
This process will allow you to save the part to the taxonomy for future use:
1. Click on the Add Part button
2. Click Manage Parts.
3. Click Select Symbol
4. Type the name of the symbol you created then click GO.
5. Click on the symbol name in the Static field.
6. Click Assign Symbol.
7. Click Select Footprint
8. Find the footprint you wish to use using the search parameters.
9. Click Select to set the footprint.
10. Add a Manufacturers Part name
11. Click Create New Part and indicate the folder in the Taxonomy you want to store it in.
This will allow you to bind your symbol and footprint into a part for placement in your schematic or layout.
We do have some visual and video tutorials that you may find very helpful as you learn to use PCB123:
PCB123 PCB Design Software