PCB123 v4.1.11 Release Notes
1. The schematic no longer autoroutes wires when rats nests are routed by dragging in the layout.
2. The schematic no longer autoroutes wires when components are swapped in the layout.
3. When copy/pasting in the schematic, unlabelled nets in the copied selections (those not attached to a port) will not retain the source nets name when pasted, but will be given a new unique name instead. In the same copy/paste activity, wires connected to port symbols that have the port symbol copied in the selection will retain their original net name.
4. In the schematic, a cut/paste within the same document is considered a move within the schematic that is isolated from the layout. Any move of the schematic symbols and wires between pages of the same document that does not alter the logical connectivity of the schematic will not alter the physical layout following the paste.