1. Choose DesignNew Footprint
2. Press "g" on your keyboard and set your grid to the radius of the first circle. I chose ".305".
3. Click on the Dimension layer (in the Layer Display of the Edit Panel) and select the Draw Circle tool. Draw guide circles there.
4. Place through-hole pins with the Add Pins tool on all the grid points that intersect the guide circles.
5. Click on the Top layer in the Layer Display to start drawing on the top layer.
6. Use the Draw Arc tool to place arcs from pin-to-pin according to your design. Switch to the bottom layer to complete all the arcs that belong there. They will not have the correct angle at first and this is fine; they simply need to start and end at the right place.
7. Press "g" and change the grid to .001.
8. Select "Wire Frame" in the Appearance section of the Edit Panel.
9. Choose the Select an object (blue arrow) tool.
10. Click on the apex of each arc and adjust the angle so that they line up with your guide circles. You may need to zoom in (using the middle mouse) to make fine adjustments.
11. Any straight lines can simply be accomplished using traces drawn with the Freestyle Routing tool. This will make it easier to connect the part to other components as traces interface with nets in a way that arcs do not.
12. Save the footprint into a new library using the Save button (disk icon). Ensure that you give it a unique footprint name. You can then bind this part to a symbol in the Main Schematic tab by using the ToolsManage Parts function. The Main Schematic tab is found at the bottom of the program when you are viewing a design.