Dip Trace – Create NC Drill File

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Dip Trace – Create NC Drill File

    by Terri Miller » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:49 pm


To generate the NC Drill file from Dip Trace software; select ‘File > Export > N/C Drill’ from the main menu. The ‘Export N/C Drill’ window will open (see attached DipTrace_Export NC Drill.jpg). Press the “Auto” button to define the tools and then click “Export.”

For through holes, you do not need to select the layers. However, if your hole is a blind or buried via, you would need to select the layer(s) where the holes are located. The remainder of the selections should be set as in the example shown, with the exception of the size. If you have specific questions about this window and the correct settings, please reply to this post and we will try to locate this information for you.

But keep in mind that many products at Sunstone, as ‘Quick Turn’ and ‘Value Proto Products’, do not support blind or buried vias. Please contact Sunstone Customer Support or visit our Products Page http://www.sunstone.com/pcb-products for more information and what products are available. Or go directly to the following products.

ValueProto Printed Circuit Boards

Full Feature Printed Circuit Boards

Quickturn Printed Circuit Boards

Always use “Preview” to view the result before submitting the file. Don’t forget to confirm that the new NC Drill file matches the remainder of the files and is the same revision of the Gerber files that you generated.

Thank you!
DipTrace_Export NC Drill.jpg
Dip Trace NC Drill File
DipTrace_Export NC Drill.jpg (32.68 KiB) Viewed 7818 times

Terri Miller
Sunstone Circuits
13626 S. Freeman Road
Mulino, OR 97042
Phone: 800-228-8198
Fax: 503-829-6657
Terri Miller
Posts: 37
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:00 am

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