PADs ~ Plot Options & Justification Setting
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:30 am
When generating Gerber files using PADs software, choose 'Centered' for the Justification setting on the Plot Options tab, rather than 'Scale to Fit.' Also confirm that '1 to 1' is entered for 'Scaled to' to confirm that the files will be the correct size for Sunstone.
Using the Scale to Fit option will sometimes cause the board and files to be scaled incorrectly.
Thank you - if you have questions or suggestions about this post, please reply and your inquiry will be reviewed.
Terri Miller
When generating Gerber files using PADs software, choose 'Centered' for the Justification setting on the Plot Options tab, rather than 'Scale to Fit.' Also confirm that '1 to 1' is entered for 'Scaled to' to confirm that the files will be the correct size for Sunstone.
Using the Scale to Fit option will sometimes cause the board and files to be scaled incorrectly.
Thank you - if you have questions or suggestions about this post, please reply and your inquiry will be reviewed.
Terri Miller