Get to know your Sunstone Services and Avoid Complications

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Get to know your Sunstone Services and Avoid Complications

    by Matt Stevenson » Mon May 14, 2012 9:30 am

In the world of Quickturn Prototype manufacturing, time is usually of the utmost importance. There is nothing worse than submitting a design for manufacturing, on time, receiving the boards from the manufacturer, on time, only to find they are not what the design intention was.

Knowing the service that meets your needs is paramount to receiving the desired product. At Sunstone there are 2 main product lines (Quickturn and Full-Feature).

The Quickturn Product Manufacturing is typically an economical solution,with a short lead-time, but without any degree of customization. (All product is 0.062"(2, 4 or 6 layer), with Green soldermask, White silkscreen, choice of a RoHS surface finish or lead solder, individually routed boards, a limited 24 drill sizes, with no internal cutouts, or slots.

Full Feature PCB has many more options and flexibility as far as board attributes. Within the capabilities of the service, most of these are customizable (soldermask and silkscreen color, routing options, drill sizes, thickness, layer count, stackups, UL compliance, surface finish, quantity, lead times, and copper weights).

If you cannot find the information on the website to answer the question of which service should I use, our support staff is here 24/7/365 to answer any question you may have.
Matt Stevenson
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:00 am

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