DFM Add-Ons for EAGLE are an EAGLE-format set of Design For Manufacturing (DFM) Rules files, written in accordance with Sunstones manufacturing criteria for 2, 4, and 6 layer Quickturn designs as manufactured through PCBexpress. These DFM Rules files are made available to you at no cost.
EAGLE users can run the design check specific to Sunstone's Quickturn services, while working in your CAD program. Because the DFM Add-Ons for EAGLE give you direct feedback on any design rule violations, you can easily make any needed design changes while in the design stage, thereby minimizing costly revisions.
The EAGLE .RUL files can easily be imported into CadSofts EAGLE tool, to setup the design rules for you. For instructions on how to import the .RUL file(s), please refer to your EAGLE user documentation, or leave a comment on the Sunstone Forum and we will do our best to assist you.
You can download both the EAGLE DFM-Add Ons and the release notes here.
Thank you!
Terri Miller