Altium Designer – Generating Gerber Files
Question: How do I generate Gerber Files using Altium Designer?
With your .pcb file opened in Altium Designer, choose File > Fabrication Outputs > Gerber Files...
And the Gerber Setup window will open. On the “General” tab, confirm that ‘Inches’ is chosen for Units and ‘2:4’ is chosen for Format. Then click on the “Layers” tab to make active so we can modify the settings.
With the “Layers” tab active, click on Plot Layers on the bottom left side of the window. Choose “All On” from the drop down box to turn all layers on. This will generate all Gerber layers saved in the .pcb. Do NOT check any Mechanical layers to be Added to all Plots (upper right hand corner of window). Adding mechanical layers to copper layers can cause shorting and most likely a nonfunctional design. Choose OK to close window and generate Gerber files.
*Note: Refer to the Layers tab information; the file extensions are listed under ‘Layers to Plot.’ This information will help when mapping layers during the Sunstone order process.
The Gerber files generated will now reside in the folder where the .pcb file originated. Close Altium Designer by clicking on the red ‘X’ in the upper right hand corner. You will be prompted to save the CAMtastic files; since these files are not needed for manufacturing at Sunstone, you can choose “Save None” and OK to close.
If you need to save the CAMtastic.Cam file, choose “Save All” or “Save Selected” to save files.
Review the layer extension list in the Gerber Setup window to enter layers needed for your Sunstone .pcb. If you need help with this, do not hesitate to contact us. You can also reply here and we will do our best to assist you.