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Selecting multiple traces

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:42 am
by randy crist
I am new to PCB123 and this is the first layout I have ever worked on. I am laying out a 6 layer board that is very dense. I have one footprint for a connector that has ~200 pins at 0.100"x0.100".
I have Several parallel traces where all points have moved by one square on the grid from their original position.
I want to select 12 traces, but traces that transverse the traces on other layers are also being selected. I only have a single layer selected to view. These other traces become visible and highlighted even though they are from other layers.
When that did not work, I looked for a way to select one full trace from beginning to end. But the only way I could find to select the complete trace is when you select more than one trace.
It appears the only way to correct this trace is to go point by point and move each one by the same amount... and repeat that for each of the 12 traces. I have done this several times now and it is started to get old.

2) I can lock component footprints from accidentally moving. Is there a way to lock traces to prevent accidental movements?

2) Is there a way to better segregate and select just the full trace(s) I need to select?
- It would be nice to just click on a trace or traces the same way you would select files in windows by holding the control button or shift button to select multiple items in the list.
- Maybe this could also be done with points where the users can select what ever points on any trace on any layer and move them all in unison together in one move.